How you get paid on Cavago

Aug 08, 2023

Information for hosts

Find out when and how you’ll receive payment as a host on Cavago.

You may be wondering what happens after your business has gone live on Cavago and "what's the catch?"

When and how will you start profiting? 

Well, we're here to alleviate any doubts you may have, so you can proceed as a host with confidence. 

How it works

You'll make money with Cavago the same way you usually would – through your bookings. Every time a customer purchases one of your offerings via Cavago, you'll earn money.

However, the benefits of being on Cavago, rather than going it alone, are bountiful... 

  • Customers can book your services online using our secure booking technology 
  • Your business is discoverable to a wide-ranging, engaged and international audience of horse lovers 
  • You can easily keep tabs on your bookings, revenue and performance 
  • You'll have a supportive team behind you to help with the tech side of things 

And don't forget, it's free to join.

How you'll get paid  


As part of the sign up process with Cavago, we’ll ask you to provide your bank details. Then at the end of each month, you’ll receive a bank transfer with that month’s balance. 

However, you can opt to have more frequent transfers either weekly or bi-weekly should you wish. 

You’ll have an account statement sent to you via email each month, but you can also view your revenue report at any time via the host dashboard.

So, what does Cavago get out of it? 

When you make a booking via Cavago, we'll take a small comission of 15%. That way, we only get paid if you do! We're confident that being part of Cavago will help you profit like never before, which is why we've created our business model this way. 

However, we're currently running a special offer for new hosts who sign up with us.

For the first six months that you're on the platform, we'll take a reduced commision of just 5% to help you get started.

We want to encourage as many businesses as possible to sign up with Cavago so they can start being discovered!

For more information, please see our host terms and conditions, here

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